Risk Assessment

STRATEGIC DIRECTION 1: Focus on Academic Innovation

Initiative 1: Develop and Implement a B.S. in Finance

Evidence from alums, students, donors, and firms all point to considerable interest and demand for expanding our students’ knowledge and skills in finance; additionally, the current minor is well enrolled. Initial conversations with stakeholder groups and faculty in the Department of Economics & Finance precipitated an examination of feasibility and resource needs associated with a degree program. The program, if approved by the Board of Regents, will go into effect in Fall 2022.

Risk DescriptionLikelihoodImpactRisk OwnerMitigation ActionsTimeline
The University Systems of Georgia declines the proposalLowHighChair; Associate DeanRevise according to feedback; examine institutional support for the degree program; identify another path by which to deliver curriculum (e.g. NEXUS, graduate certificate) Initial Year (AY 2022-23 and ongoing assessment)
Program enrollment outpaces faculty resourcesModerateHighChair; Associate DeanRedirect available lines within the CoBT; request additional lines as part of the institutional budget process; identify standards for major declarationAnnual Assessment
Failure to meet program enrollment targetsModerateModerateChair; Associate DeanReassess current and potential student outreach (messaging); study feedback from advising, admissions, and studentsSecond Year (AY 2023-24 and ongoing assessment)
Limited funds for programming-related technologyModerateHighDeanReengage CoBT Leadership Board and identify potential corporate or financial partnerships; submit one time and continue funding requestsAt conclusion of AY two (2024-25)


Initiative 2: Expand and Enrich High Impact Practices

Collaborating with the award-winning GC Journeys program, the CoBT will prioritize growth in high impact practices (HIPs) both in terms of participation by learners and faculty. Emphasis will be on student professional development, engagement with practice, and global experience to include first year-seminars, capstone projects, undergraduate research mentoring, internships, career milestones, and study abroad. HIPs contribute to positive outcomes such as higher student engagement with practice and community, career placements, a sense of belonging, greater interaction with faculty, and gains in critical thinking, communication, and interpersonal skills. Through partnerships with various offices on campus, along with employers and practitioners in the field, the CoBT will devote resources to encourage creative, intentional ways of sustaining and building transformative experiences.

Risk DescriptionLikelihoodImpactRisk OwnerMitigation ActionsTimeline
Little to no increase in student participation in HIPsModerateHighFellow; ChairsBring in Employers and alumni to help tell the HIPs story and impact they have on student success; examine student interest and resources to participateOngoing Assessment
Decrease in available internship host organizationsModerateHighFellow; Career CenterEngage Career Center; explore opportunities for virtual and global internshipsOngoing Assessment
Graduation rates do not increaseModerateModerateChairsReexamine four-year plans; engage Advising Center to explore possible obstructions in curriculum related to HIPs Ongoing Assessment
Little to no major course innovations nor new or redesigned transformative experiencesLowModerateFellow; ChairsModify expectations for faculty who receive Teaching Innovation Grants; reassess the amount of grant and time afforded to faculty to complete the innovationOngoing Assessment
Curricula changes are not embraced by facultyLowHighFellow; Chairs; Associate DeanSeek compromise and/or develop alternative proposals related to minimum number of HIPs; undergraduate research mentoring, and professional preparation content in coursework/curriculumAY 2022-23
Insufficient scholarship or annual gifts to have broad impact on the number of students seeking support study abroad experiencesModerateHighDean; Donor Engagement Officer; Leadership Board; Department Advisory BoardsExplore other fund sources such as grants and corporate/foundation giving; identify a broader pool of potential prospective donors who support this initiativeFY 2023 initial assessment
Employment placement rates maintain at current rate or declineModerateHighFellow; Career Center; DeanIdentify new employment partners in various industries; engage alumni networks; leverage Career Center and faculty to encourage student career exploration and transition to workforceOngoing Assessment


Initiative 3: Ensure Technology Currency across Academic Disciplines

CoBT graduates need to be assured that they are learning the technologies used by industry in their fields. Faculty need to know what is and is not being taught in other classes. Faculty should know what technologies industry uses and expectations for early career professionals. Students, employers, parents, and alumni need to know what is being taught in which programs. 

Risk DescriptionLikelihoodImpactRisk OwnerMitigation ActionsTimeline
Lack of survey participationHighLowBusiness Outreach CoordinatorContinue to post survey and send emailsJan - Mar 2023
Limited Faculty involvement in technology inventoryLowModerateAssociate DeanContinue to engage faculty and Chairs to solicit informationJan - May 2023
Webpage not utilized by stakeholdersLowModerateWebsite content manager; Chairs; Associate DeanPromote webpage in communications with stakeholders (e.g. social media postings, Atkinson Insider, Annual Report)Ongoing Assessment
No substantive curriculum changesModerateHighFacultySeek to understand resistance to curriculum changes; revise proposals to include feedback from faculty and leverage AACSB expectations in this areaAY 2023 - 24


Initiative 4: Grow and Sustain Graduate Enrollments

With the impending demographic shifts and a tight labor market, the CoBT is challenged to address declining graduate enrollments and to focus resources, efforts, and priorities for growth and innovation. Work in mid-2022 to restructure the CoBT’s Graduate Programs office from a centralized to a decentralized model led to further faculty engagement (as program coordinators), redefining some staff positions to provide support to graduate recruitment and advising, and the addition of a dedicated graduate recruiter. The resources generated from the CoBT Graduate Programs are significant not only for the university, given differentiated allocation in the state funding model, but also the premium tuition in two of the four existing programs that support CoBT operations and strategic initiatives. While the following actions are intended to reverse a decline in program enrollments, other actions may be determined and implemented for all or some of the programs as part of continuous review and improvement.

Risk DescriptionLikelihoodImpactRisk OwnerMitigation ActionsTimeline

Stress on faculty capacity 


MMIS Program Coordinator; IS/CS Chair

Identify qualified part-time faculty resources to temporarily fill gaps; if growth patterns emerge, then request additional line(s) or redirect within the CoBT

AY 23-24 and ongoing

Limited interest by prospective students due to compensation and costsModerateModerateGraduate Coordinator; Graduate Recruiter; Graduate MarketingReexamine marketing/outreach tactics and the potential for developing scholarships that target underrepresented studentsAY 23-24 and ongoing
Additional faculty resources become unavailableModerateHigh

Dean; Associate Dean; MML Chair

Seek out redirection possibilities and/or new line request as part of GCSU budget process

Summer 2023-Spring 2024

Limited ROI on the MOUs



Dean; Associate Dean; Graduate Recruiter

Study effectiveness of marketing materials and engagement activities

FY23 and ongoing

Additional faculty resources become unavailable



Dean; Associate Dean; Chairs

Seek out redirection possibilities and/or new line request as part of GCSU budget process

FY24 and ongoing


STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2: Contribute to Positive Societal Impact

Initiative 1: Develop partnerships with large employers

Engage three-five large organizations to develop MOUs with detailed expectations and benefits. It is expected that the companies will provide class projects, serve as Elevator Pitch (and/or other competitions) judges, attend GC Career Fairs, employ students as interns, and participate in other CoBT HIPs. Additionally, we seek ways for faculty to participate in externships with companies in areas that support their teaching and research. These organizations are broadly defined to include those large enough to have a steady stream of projects/internships and engaged involvement.

Risk DescriptionLikelihoodImpactRisk OwnerMitigation ActionsTimeline
Lack of participants in initial meetingsModerateHighCenter of Innovation Director; Dean; Business Outreach CoordinatorPost meeting information often and have alumni relations send emails often; Have more than one meeting day/timeSept - Oct 2022
Benefits for Corporations are unclearModerateHighCenter of Innovation Director; Dean; Business Outreach CoordinatorGet feedback from multiple groups, and pilot test listed benefits with a few alumni/corporations; reemphasize importance and availability of non-credit options for programming and collaborative experiences (bootcamps, webinars, etc.)Sept - Oct 2022
Limited attendance at luncheons LowHighCenter of Innovation Director; Dean; Business Outreach CoordinatorWork with all interested from virtual meeting to pick the best day/time; have two smaller luncheons if neededNov 2022
Little to no interest in MOUsLowHighCenter of Innovation Director; Dean; Business Outreach CoordinatorInterview attendees who said no to find out why; redo benefits and start again with initial meetingDec - Jan 2023
MOUs take too long to signModerateModerateDean; Legal AffairsGet the agreement template worked out with legal affairs before initially sending to companiesOct - Dec 2022
Faculty do not use companies as intendedLowHighCenter of Innovation Director; FacultyCommunicate frequently with faculty providing information on who is available from where to do what; Communicate to everyone what individuals/companies are used for; Publish the storiesJan - May 2023; ongoing
Companies do not engage as intendedLow ModerateDean; Business Outreach CoordinatorCommunicate with the company what other signees have done; Revoke MOUMay 2023; ongoing
Companies will not agree to compensate for faculty externshipsHighHighDean; Associate Dean; Business Outreach CoordinatorFund initial externships with other sources to support pilot; provide a clear RIO and examples to future companies to motivate financial partnershipsAY 2022 - 23; ongoing
Limited participation by faculty to sustain the externship programLowHighDean; Associate DeanUse pilot to examine compensation, expectations, and benefits to faculty; adjust as neededAY 2022 - 23; ongoing


Initiative 2: Design and Implement a Center of Innovation

Preliminary conversations began in Fall 2020 with potential partners in public and private sectors; this will remain a priority for us to explore in the coming months. A comprehensive and formalized Center for Innovation has the potential to further capitalize on our commitment to both high-impact practices and engagement with and service to local and regional organizations. Ideally designed as an interdisciplinary laboratory for student and faculty collaborations across campus, this Center would serve as a space for both entrepreneurial activity and consulting. For instance, cross-disciplinary teams could work with faculty mentors in community-based engaged learning whereby they offer consulting services in areas of strategy, marketing, HR, finance, technology, and the like. Also, the center could facilitate entrepreneurial competitions for students across disciplines to help bring ideas to the market. It would also be a collaborative space with the Center for Economic Education that leads the annual Minority Youth in Business Program (MYBP) in which the high school participants engage in a business plan competition as part of the summer curriculum. The synergies with the MYBP could be significant both in terms of opportunities to further build that program, but also to involve our GC entrepreneurs and mentors with participating underrepresented high school students. Lastly, the Center would be a space for organizations to engage our students and faculty experts on emergent technologies and critical policy issues. For instance, an emphasis on ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) and the intersection of technology on matters related to ethics, access, disparity, and equity could be a central focus. The Center will provide support for researching, reporting, and advising on these topics including triple bottom-line reporting. The Center could also oversee students as they co-manage an ESG investment portfolio.

Risk DescriptionLikelihoodImpactRisk OwnerMitigation ActionsTimeline
Center proposal deniedLowHighCenter DirectorReassess and resubmit proposal in FY 24Summer 2022
Client demand exceeds supply of cross-disciplinary student teams (and courses)ModerateModerateCenter DirectorIncrease client fee; identify client organizations that can be served remotely leveraging summer courses/project teamsOngoing annual assessment
Failure to secure sufficient external funds to self-sustain the CenterModerateHighCenter Director; DeanReengage partners in Advancement to examine corporate/foundation and individual donor prospects, along with potential naming opportunities; Reexamine client fee structureInternal funding expires in FY 26; initial assessment of funding progress in AY 2024 - 25; annual review of external revenues
Insufficient physical space to deliver high-quality learning and external engagementModerateModerateCenter Director; Dean; ProvostIdentify alternative locations (on or off campus); explore partnerships and external funding to facilitate new physical locationOngoing annual assessment
Limited participation by angel investorsHighHighCenter Director; DeanCollaborate with CoBT Leadership Board and University Advancement to identify individual and corporate donors to fund the competitionInitial Year and ongoing
Entrepreneurship minor is not embraced by facultyLowModerateChair; Associate DeanSeek compromise and/or develop alternative proposalAY 2023 - 24
Faculty interest and involvement in the Center diminishes over timeLowHighChairs; Center Director; DeanExplore reasons for disengagement and ways to incentivize further involvement Ongoing annual assessment


Initiative 3: Drive Growth in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Upon arrival in July 2020, the Dean’s team began a needs and opportunity assessment, along with engaging friends and donors. One particular area emerged as a shared passion and priority – diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The College reaffirms our commitment to drive growth in these areas. We espouse a culture of inclusiveness in our teaching, learning, and decision-making, and an appreciation for diverse perspectives and backgrounds, along with equitable access to resources that support faculty/staff development and student learning. The following actions will bring to fruition our aspirations in this area of strategic importance.

Risk DescriptionLikelihoodImpactRisk OwnerMitigation ActionsTimeline
Unsuccessful in getting any minority minority-owned businesses to engageLowHighDEI Team; CoBT GC Journeys Fellow; Center for Innovation DirectorAsk faculty for all minority own minority-owned business connections; Advertise in minority-read media for engagement partnersAY 2023 - 24 and ongoing
Unsuccessful in securing open-rank searches and/or cluster hire program is not supported or funded by the University or USGModerateHighDean; Provost; ChairsExplore alternative recruitment tactics to diversify pool (e.g. attend PhD Project conference; advertise more aggressively in INSIGHT into Diversity magazine)FY 2023 and ongoing
Limited engagement by corporate and foundation donorsModerateHighDonor Engagement Officer; DeanEngage University Advancement and CoBT Leadership Board to identify possible high-capacity organizations with relative grants and foundation giving in this areaAssessment in FY 2023 and FY 2024
Unsuccessful search for a Donor Engagement OfficerModerateHighDean; Leadership Board; Advancement Leadership Leverage invested CoBT Leadership Board members to help foster and steward potential and committed donors FY 2023 and ongoing